Good Morning Everyone
Today is Wednesday July 20, 2011
The word of the day comes from Proverbs 22:6 Amplified Bible
6Train up a child in the way he should go [and in keeping with his individual gift or bent], and when he is old he will not depart from it.My Interpretation
The definition of the word train means to develop or form habits, thoughts, or behavior (of a child or another person) by discipline and instruction; to make proficient by instruction and practice, as in some art, profession, or work (according to
As I looked at this scripture, I thought of my son and his development over these past few months. I watch him feed himself, take his own clothes off, put his clothes in the hamper and his shoes in their rightful place. I watch him ask “can I have…,” know shapes/colors/numbers up to 15. I watch him know how to work the iPad, turn on the TV, climb on his bed, run, jump, kick the soccer ball, pass the basketball, ride his bike with training wheels (with a little help from daddy), you know the typical boy stuff. Recently I see him saying his prayer for bed by himself and his prayer before meals by himself. I watched him this week finally not get mad and huff and puff in the morning when he has to turn off the TV momentarily so that as a family we can pray before leaving the house. This week he even led in prayer (he started out praying and then got shy and we coached him the rest of the way as he repeated what we said). What made that moment even more special to me was that I asked who wanted to pray and he raised his hand and said “me”.
But looking at this scripture, I see more than just that. In order for us to train someone, we must be the trainers/coaches. Now any trainer/coach I had, had a keen eye for what were my strengths. Their job was to get the best out of me, to hone my skills in the areas that I am proficient in and develop me in the areas where I am not so good in. I remember a college coach for during an interview say that the first two weeks that he meets freshman, he doesn’t direct on what to do when they are in practice shooting the ball. He just watches. After 2 weeks, he has a feel for what the strengths and weaknesses of his players. He then begins to enhance the strengths of his players by getting them open looks in the spots that he carefully watched them make the majority of their shots from over the course of 2 weeks he observed. He said that as a coach it was important to realize the strengths of his players and put them in positions where their strengths can be utilized properly. As parents, that is the job that we have before us with our children. Seeing the gifts that God has placed in them, and strengthening it so that they can be the best at what they are good at.
Cahlil isn’t even 3 yet (will be on 8/15) but he clearly has a spirit of helps and giving. I don’t care if he is in his room watching The Lion King, if he hears Christen or me coughing too long or a scream like someone is hurt, he runs out and ask “are you ok?” He will pat our back, get us tissue, etc and he doesn’t need anyone to tell him to do that. Its instinct to him, second nature to help us, we didn’t teach him that. So when I see that, as a trainer/coach, it is my job and Christen’s to make sure that we continue to develop a gift like that, God already placed in him before the foundation of the world, into careers where that is needed (medical/volunteer/coaching/etc).
So often we see this scripture and normally I believe we only think the spiritual (making sure they know God which is first and foremost) but what about the natural side? God when He made us, He made us whole spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, and financially. We have to see that as our duty to pour into our children the same way…whole. Realizing that your child likes math, start crafting things for them to do that helps them to build on what they like. Seeing that your child loves to help cook, start them early in the kitchen showing them what to put in the batter, etc. These are things that help develop them early into the people God created them to be using the gifts and talents that God gave them early to touch the world.
Coaching/training is not an easy task. There will be plenty of bump heads moments but the reward of what is being instilled in them from God, is well worth it. Train them up! 6Train up a child in the way he should go [and in keeping with his individual gift or bent], and when he is old he will not depart from it.Have a wonderful, blessed, productive, stress free day!
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