Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Word of the Day (9-7-11)

Good Morning Everyone

Today is Wednesday September 7, 2011

The word of the day comes from Psalm 118:24 NLT

24 This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.

My Interpretation

Sometimes I think we lose sight of that. We wake up in the morning with attitudes because we didn’t sleep enough, we overslept, we stubbed our toe, etc. We go to eat breakfast and someone finished the last of what we wanted without telling us or replenishing. We sit in a car in traffic, on a train or bus that is crowded and stand only. We get to work and our boss is yelling, coworkers are gossiping and to top it off, we have a window seat and all we see is rain which makes us sad and makes want to just crawl back in bed and sleep until the sun comes back out.

Now this could be extreme cases, this could be someone’s day. The one thing that is certain or the principle that can still be found in this day is that: This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. You see when I say we will it signifies a made up mind. It lets me know that everything that could go wrong to start your day may have actually happened. But in spite of how my morning has been I am determined to not let it affect my day. I am determined to see that this is another BEAUTIFUL day in which the Lord has made. The day isn’t beautiful because it’s sunny, warm, summer, fall, spring or winter. The day is beautiful simply because the Lord made it. When our minds wrap around that concept and the fact that another day of life is another day in which we haven’t seen that provides new everything if we allow it.

See we could still wake up in the same situation that we were in the day before but I am learning first hand that if my mind is made up to praise God for the day, regardless what it may bring, although my circumstances have yet to change to my liking, my perception of my circumstances has changed to where I am not complaining or grudgingly doing some things anymore. Doesn’t mean I like it anymore now but what is the use in complaining? I am learning to make up my mind in rejoicing in the fact that God has given me another day to rejoice in and deciding to make the best of whatever situation/environment that may bring.

So today and the remainder of the week as the majority of the east coast I believe is in for a week of really rainy, damp, muggy, cold, not fun looking weather, that we freely make up our minds to rejoice and be glad in the day because if God allowed us another day to see, He has purpose for our lives to accomplish!  

Have a wonderful, blessed, productive, stress free day!

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