Monday, January 23, 2012

Word of the Day (1-23-12)

I did this word a few months back but I continue to believe this word is a relevant word for Monday (specifically) but all days (in general) because I see so many negative responses to Monday morning on Facebook n Twitter. I pray that this really gets in your spirit today. Enjoy for new word of the day participants and re-enjoy for those who read it before.

Mindset- Reevaluating How We View a New Day


Philippians 2:5 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus
Romans 12:2 (a) And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…


Good morning to everyone. I know that Monday mornings for most people normally is the worst day of the week. You have Tuesday which is an ok day, Wednesday which is hump day (or the week is almost over day), Thursday which is one more day until Friday, Friday which excites you for the weekend, Saturday which allows you to get done the things you want to, and Sunday which you are torn between enjoying the Lord’s Day and knowing it also marks the end of the weekend/the day before you have to go back to work. Unfortunately, we lose sight of one of the most important days of the week, Monday because it signifies new beginnings…if you let it.

You see, it really depends on how you to choose to see it. Mondays for most is the realization that the weekend is over and that you have to go back to the job that you hate, with the boss you dislike and coworkers you can’t stand. Mondays is where you haven’t quite settled back into work mode, still dwelling on yesterday. Mondays can symbolically be viewed as a person who looks back on their life and realizes they haven’t accomplished everything they planned to up until this point. Every Friday you look and say this weekend I am going to do this, this and this. Then Sunday night rolls around and you think the weekend was too short, I didn’t accomplish everything I wanted. Monday can seem like a mirror that reflects all that we didn’t accomplish that we set out to. Similar to how birthdays for some reflect the time of year when we realize that the dreams and aspirations we have, we have yet to attain/achieve.

As a result, I have realized that for most people, Monday is their least favorite day. For me, it is the opposite. I actually find Mondays to be my favorite of the work week. Why, because it reminds that whatever I didn’t get to finish the prior week, whatever work was undone the prior week, whatever task/goal/duty/assignment that I didn’t get to finish last week, this marks a new week to get that goal accomplished.

I have a new opportunity to complete the same task/goal/duty/assignment that I didn’t finish prior. What I like to do Sunday night (for home) and Monday morning (for work) is write a new to do list for the week and begin to cross off things on the list as I do them. Why, because everyone loves to feel like they are accomplishing and finishing a task so writing it out and seeing it allows us tangibly see what we are finishing. Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no vision, the people perish.

Secondly, having the mindset that Mondays is a new beginning, allows us to never feel like we are too late, too old, too far removed to accomplish the task at hand. My Bishop got really caught up in the Spirit one Sunday when he read Numbers 23:19-20 “God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good? Behold, I have received a command to bless; He has blessed, and I cannot reverse it.

It was if the word became rema unto him at the very moment he was preaching. All he could muster before the Spirit overwhelmed him was “the deal is still on.” You know what I think of when I think the deal is still on, it reminds me of two things: One in order for the thought to cross my mind that the deal is still on, it must mean that I didn’t accomplish what I was supposed to prior. I left something undone. I didn’t complete something. Because I didn’t hold up my end of the bargain, I assumed the contract was null and void. I assumed that God would move on. Yet God is saying, I haven’t moved on, I still have need of you. Change your mind set. Stop thinking that because you messed up, this is it. There is no way that you can still be used, still be effective, still get done what I need you to get done. God is asking us, when did I ever say that you only get one try to complete the task? I simply said complete the task! I knew you would mess up prior to completing which is why I left you 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Two, if the deal is still on, we no longer have to dwell on the should’ve, could’ve, would’ve in life, thus hindering what we could be doing in the here and now. We have right here and right now to accomplish the task that God has given us, so why do we remain so focused on what we didn’t accomplish? I didn’t finish school whether it be GED, high school diploma, associate’s degree, bachelor’s degree and now I have kids who are going through it. So what, get out there and get that degree! I had this idea the Lord gave me to start this business but this was 5-10 years ago. By now either the idea has been done by somebody else or it’s probably outdated. No, the deal is still on. If you decide to trust God in doing it, He will make it happen.
We have to get to the place where we are willing to change our mindset towards the situation at hand. If we are willing to change our mindset, I promise you God will be willing to change your Mondays (reevaluating how we view the new day) into continual Saturdays of being able to accomplish that in which He purposed and planned in your life. 

Have a wonderful, blessed, productive, stress free day!

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