Monday, January 9, 2012

Word of the Day (1-9-12)

Good Morning Everyone

Today is Monday January 9, 2012

The word of the day comes from

Joshua 2:1-2

New International Version (NIV)

Joshua 2

Rahab and the Spies
 1 Then Joshua son of Nun secretly sent two spies from Shittim. “Go, look over the land,” he said, “especially Jericho.” So they went and entered the house of a prostitute named Rahab and stayed there.

My Interpretation

I was looking over this scripture last week and this story jumped out to me. If you continue to read the story of a prostitute named Rahab in chapter 2, you see that she hid and assisted the safety and escape of two spies sent out by Joshua who is now the leader of the children of Israel. She risked her life for the men of God and all she asked in return was safety for her and her family.

Now this is the part that I want to get to today. Today is Monday and as I have been referencing for the past few months, I have been referring to Monday as #NewBeginningMondays. Not only is it #NewBeginningMondays but also a New Year which means another opportunity to correct the things that we didn’t the day, hour, minute, second before. Which means this is a year that possibilities are abundant and we know what God is saying to us (For I know the thoughts I think towards you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to bring you to an expected end, to give you a hope and a future…Jeremiah 29:11). So knowing that God wants to bless us and that if we are still breathing we have another opportunity to be blessed, then how does this relate to the story of Rahab the prostitute? Glad you asked.  

God is going to open some doors for you but it’s not going to come always from the most likely of sources. The individual who helps take you to your blessing may not look, smell, act, talk or come from the same walk of life like you want them to or approve of but that doesn’t mean that God didn’t send them. I wonder how many people today would miss out on the blessing and provision that God provided the two spies of Joshua if they realized it was coming from a prostitute or a homeless person or a drunk or a mentally challenged individual. I wonder how many of us would miss out on our blessings daily because we continue to miss the provision from God because the source seems unlikely. We continue to ask God to bless us but are not sensitive to the multiple ways in which God CAN bless us.

My prayer today is that God opens you up to your concept and knowledge and relationship with Him to allow your mind to see past the individual flaws of those who see only that and can’t see how God can maneuver in their lives to bless you. I pray that you read chapter 2 of Joshua and see one of the most compelling stories in the Bible to see how God does the unconventional to bless you and if you are in position, not only will you be blessed but as a result of helping the man/woman of God, the individual(s) who helped you can be blessed along with their family.

Let today be the day you look for the provision, favor and blessing of God in ALL AREAS and from ALL PEOPLE.

Have a wonderful, blessed, productive, stress free day!

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