Today is Tuesday February 21, 2012
The word of the day comes from Lamentations 3:17-24
17I cannot find peace or remember happiness.18I tell myself, "I am
finished! I can't count on the LORD to do anything for me." 19Just
thinking of my troubles and my lonely wandering makes me miserable.
20That's all I ever think about, and I am depressed.21Then I remember
something that fills me with hope. 22The LORD's kindness never fails!
If he had not been merciful, we would have been destroyed. 23The LORD
can always be trusted to show mercy each morning. 24Deep in my heart I
say, "The LORD is all I need; I can depend on him!"
My Interpretation
Have you ever felt like the author of Lamentations? Have you ever been
at a place where your just felt chaotic. The more you tried to move
on, to overcome, to look on the bright side, the more bad news you got
and the worse things in your life became. You finally pay off the car
only to get in a car accident. You finally move into the house you
wanted only for there to be mold or leakage in the pipes. You finally
get the new job only for you to be shorted on your paycheck. You
finally get the child you wanted only to have pregnancy issues and
problems with the child. Every one else around celebrated Valentine’s
Day with their significant other but you and every one who tells you
that God has someone for you already has their significant other so
you feel they don’t understand. Your troubled by your problems which
has now caused you to be depressed. Instead of getting closer to God
you have drifted further from God. The things that you once loved and
were excited about have now made you bitter and angry. The inward
depression, anger and bitterness have now begun to seep outwardly.
I want to say God understands. He never said that everyday would be a
good day let alone a great day but what He did say is that He would
never leave you or forsake you. What He did say is that the earth is
His and all that is in it. And that He would supply your needs, ALL
your needs according to His riches in glory which is in Christ Jesus.
What He did say is that no weapon will prosper against you. What He
did say is that there is no height, width, length, or depth, nothing
present, nothing to come, not life, not death, not trial, not
tribulation, not persecution, not ridicule, not problems, not issues,
not depression, not lack of love, not lack of somebody, nothing
physical, material, mental, social, financial, spiritual, or emotional
could separate YOU from the LOVE OF GOD which is in CHRIST JESUS. He
just wants to remind you to hope today. Hope in Him. To remember that
His kindness never fails, that if it had not been for Him, one of the
countless issues, problems, setbacks that tried to kill you, would
have. You are depressed not dead. Deep in your heart you know that to
be true. You know that the Lord is all you need and that you can
depend on Him. Get out of your funk and get back in love with God!
Everything you are in need of He wants to give you…will you let Him

Have a wonderful, blessed, productive, stress free day!
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