Monday, February 27, 2012

Word of the Day (2-27-12)

Good Morning Everyone

Today is Monday February 27, 2012

The word of the day comes from Proverbs 10:4-5

He who has a slack hand becomes poor, but the hand of the diligent makes rich. He who gathers in summer is a wise son; he who sleeps in harvest is a son who causes shame.

My Interpretation

I’m happy that today is #NewBeginningMONDAYS because it allows another day/week/opportunity to correct that in which wasn’t corrected yesterday. In our service yesterday, Bishop preached about “It Ain’t Over” from Psalm 118:17-18. He stated that sometimes when we do inventory on our life, we believed we would be a lot further in life than we are. As a result we are no longer dreaming for the stars and moon but have adjusted our dreams to settle for today.

I could give my own personal interpretation but I believe the scripture is literal today and the verbatim narration of an inspirational video best sum up what #NewBeginningMONDAYS is all about.

Like I stated, I have been watching a lot of inspirational messages and speeches on YouTube lately. One of them shows different athletes and it talks about being successful. The clip begins with highlights of Kobe Bryant and Lebron James making game winning shots. The narrator then goes on to say “A lot of people in this world search endlessly for some complex, magical formula for why some people are successful and others are not but it really just boils down to this concept of productivity. That you are going to apply the most amount of effort, to the best of your ability, for the allotted time that you have. And all successful people realize that time is the most precious commodity out there. So these successful people realize they have an allotted time to do a specific task so they realize they have to give their all. Just going through the motions is the most disantageous thing you could do. A lot of people in life think what they do is beneficial and then get frustrated when they don’t see the results that they want, that other people are getting. You can say to yourself I went to the gym today so I am better off for it. But the question you have to ask yourself is what did I do in the gym today and how did I do it. It’s about doing the activity right, it’s about effort and that translates in all facets of our life; whether it’s working on your school work, working on a business proposal at job, even small things like cleaning dishes or cleaning the house. If you can’t clean the house right, how are you expected to run a fortune 500 company right? And all successful people get that. That they are going to give it their all, throughout every single task that they have to do because time is so precious.” (small quotes from clip)

The reason why I call Mondays #NewBeginningMONDAYS is because it’s a new opportunity to right wrongs. If you haven’t been doing what was says today in the Word, and explained in the clip, right now is the best opportunity to change it. To make the tweaks necessary to become the best you can and ultimately be in right standing with our scripture today. I pray that you view today as always Mondays as a new beginning for you. #perspective

Have a wonderful, blessed, productive, stress free day!

1 comment:

  1. Forgot to add how it ends: He says this...
    You need to ask yourself, what are you going to do today but more importantly, ask yourself how are you going to do it?
